5 Things The Film Industry Does To Ensure Health Standards

Sam Haskell

When you are working in the film industry, you need to understand how film and TV productions ensure the health and safety of everyone. There are five best practices listed below that can help with health and safety on every film or TV set. You can learn how a set should be managed, how to protect the staff and actors, and how to protect your production company. Careful planning is good for everyone, and you can avoid major issues that might arise if you are not concerned with safety and health.

1. Insurance

Sam Haskell encourages production companies to take out insurance for every production. There must be insurance that pays for damages and injuries that occur on the set. You may be filming in a foreign country, but you need insurance that will protect everyone. If you are not insured or bonded, you cannot ensure the safety of everyone on the set.

You also need insurance that will compensate your workers when they are out of work for a few days or weeks. These workers need to be paid along with their medical bills.

2. Know How To Reach Emergency Services

When you are on a movie set, you need to know how to reach emergency services. The production team needs to know how to call for emergency services. They should know which departments to reach out to, and you should have the contact details posted in as many locations as possible.

You should save emergency service numbers in the phones for your entire crew, and you should also set up a system for responding to emergencies. Typically, you will not move anyone who has been badly hurt, you will call emergency services, and you will insist that anyone who is hurt goes to the hospital.

3. Ensure That Everyone Is Vaccinated If You Are Traveling Abroad

When you are traveling abroad, you should ensure that everyone on the production team is vaccinated. You can vaccinate everyone before they leave, and you can build that money into the budget.

You might also hire a doctor who can look after everyone before the trip begins. Forcing everyone to go to their own doctor or find a clinic that will vaccinate them is not good for everyone’s health. You should also ensure that you have a doctor on the set who can look after people who do not feel well. You might hire a registered nurse who will travel to the location with you, and they can tend to everyone who does not need emergency care.

4. Set Strict Safety Standards For Working Around The Set

You must set strict safety standards for the set. You need to make sure that people are harnessed when they are working on high sets or buildings. You should make sure that people are using harnesses, wearing hard hats, wearing protective shoes, and wearing protective clothing. If you do not have strict safety standards for the set, you could be held liable for any injuries that occur on the set.

You must also ensure that you have someone on the set who can enforce thee safety standards. The person that keeps everyone safe can protect your company, and you will have a smooth production. Sam Haskell believes that standards are the backbone of any production.

5. Set Fair Work Hours For The Staff

You must set fair work hours for the staff. You can set specific hours to ensure that you do not burn anyone out, and you should take a regular break for lunch. If you must shoot at night, you need to change the schedule to ensure that everyone is rested when shooting begins.

You should also ensure that you have someone on the set who can quite literally bring work to a halt when the workday is over. You cannot be too flexible, and you should not force people to work overtime because the production is falling behind. You should make sure that you have extra time and money set aside for overtime when it is needed. However, you cannot force everyone to work overtime every day.

You Should Use These Steps To Protect The Safety And Health Of Everyone On The Set

When you are using these steps to protect everyone on the set, you will find that you can have a smooth production that does not result in any major injuries. You can be prepared by hiring a doctor or nurse to help, and you should also know how to reach emergency services if there is a major injury. You can also set a schedule that is healthy for everyone, and you will improve the image of your company by doing things right on the set.