Do You Need a Candida Cleanse? What You Should Know

Ever wonder if you need to do one of those candida cleanses you see advertised everywhere? You’ve probably heard about candida—it’s a type of yeast that naturally lives in your gut. But when it grows out of control, it can lead to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, and skin problems. The good news is, there are some simple ways to get your gut health and candida levels back in balance. The bad news is, most of the candida cleanses and supplements out there are just preying on people’s desire for a “quick fix.” The truth is, the best way to overcome a candida overgrowth is through gradual lifestyle changes. So before you drop a ton of money on the latest “candida cure,” read on to learn what really works and what’s just hype.

Signs You May Need a Candida Cleanse

Candida is a type of yeast that naturally lives in your gut. But when it grows out of control, it can lead to a condition known as candida overgrowth. This overgrowth of candida causes an imbalance in your gut flora and can lead to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms.

Some signs you may have candida overgrowth include:

– Chronic fatigue or brain fog. Excess candida can sap your energy and mental focus.

– Digestive issues. Candida overgrowth is associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

– Skin and nail fungal infections. Candida loves warm, moist environments like the gut, but can also overgrow on the skin and nails.

– Craving sugar or carbs. Candida feeds on sugar, so excess growth will have you craving the very foods that feed the yeast overgrowth.

 – Mood changes or anxiety. The gut and brain are closely connected, so gut imbalances like candida overgrowth can influence your mood and stress levels.

The good news is there are several natural remedies that can help bring your candida levels back into balance.  Adjusting your diet, adding probiotics, using antifungal herbs and supplements, and minimizing lifestyle factors that promote yeast growth can all help get your gut health back on track.

While candida overgrowth is controversial,  many people report improved wellness by rebalancing their gut flora. If you experience multiple symptoms and have tried other treatments without success, a candida cleanse may be worth considering under the guidance of your healthcare provider.  Your gut will thank you, and you’ll feel like yourself again.

How to Do a Candida Cleanse Safely and Effectively

Feeling sluggish or bloated lately? Experiencing digestive issues or skin problems that just won’t clear up?  It could be a sign that candida levels in your body have gotten out of whack. Here are a few signs that indicate you may benefit from a candida cleanse:

Digestive difficulties

If you frequently experience bloating, gas, cramps, or irregularity, it could point to excess candida in the gut. Candida overgrowth can damage the lining of your intestines and inhibit digestion.

Skin issues

Conditions like athlete’s foot, ringworm, nail infections, or rashes in warm, moist areas of the body are often linked to excess candida. Candida resides naturally in the body, but too much of it can cause inflammation that manifests on your skin.

Fatigue and brain fog

Do you feel tired all the time or have trouble concentrating? Candida produces toxins that can enter your bloodstream, causing fatigue, memory problems, and difficulty focusing.


Craving sweets, bread, or alcohol? Candida feeds on sugar and yeast, so if it’s overgrown in your system it can cause cravings for foods that will fuel its growth.


If you’re experiencing several of these issues, it’s a good indication that your natural  candida levels have become unbalanced.  The good news is a candida cleanse, along with some lifestyle changes, can help restore balance and have you feeling better in no time. Speak to your doctor about the best treatment options for you.

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